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In letzter Zeit musste ich die Programmier arbeiten - zulasten von Lasten tragen, solltet ihr fragen - ein wenig beiseite schieben. Dafür konnte ich mir mehr Zeit nehmen, nebenbei Networking zu betreiben. Was ja schlussendlich auch wichtig ist, wenn das eigene Produkt vertrieben gewusst werden will. So ist auch dieses Portal entstanden, welches Leuten hilft, die gar keine Ahnung haben, wie sie im Internet Geld verdienen können. Seht mal rein! :)

C++ Recurring Issues ¦ Reading a file

Opening Files for Reading Only Firstly, a text file is a file that you can open and read its contents visually - for example, C source files, .txt files, HTML etc - anything that looks "neat" in Notepad. A binary file is a file that is written in machine code - usually seen as a mass of weird characters in Notepad! Examples are bitmaps, executables etc. For these tutorials, we're going to be looking at standard text files. If you wanted to open a binary file, simply put a b at the end of the second argument of fopen . To open a text file for reading only, pass "r" as the second argument of fopen, as demonstrated in this example: #include int main() { FILE *file; / * declare a FILE pointer */ file = fopen("data/hello.txt", "r"); /* open a text file for reading */ if (file==NULL) { printf("Error: can't open file.\n"); /* fclose(file); DON'T PASS A NULL POINTER TO fclose !! */ return 1; } else { printf("File opened. Now c...