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Una ciudad moderna en un mundo mágico: LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System

Una ciudad moderna en un mundo mágico: LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System to play a full fledged RPG solo round with these rules.

weltenschmid shares LET'S TALK! - Standalone NPC Dialogue System

You just have to click the image below to get the PDF file with the full ruleset. No. Seriously. Do it. Remember to not make Pan'ya-chan sad!
LET’S TALK! is your stand-alone dialogue system for your roleplaying games and visual novels. Or might it be just for your plain inspiration to get your boots out the creativity mudhole

The dialogue system the blog is offering is a standalone variant of the VISORPGZ game (available just at Dr. Gerald Ravenpie's blog). He adds, that he wants to be honest; even  though it was an already stable standalonish configuration to start with, it nevertheless had some references to other mechanics. So you will find an agnostic version in this document. In his words: a fully system-agnostic version of those rules!

Have fun, a good time and a naice weekend!


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